The original mushrooms use to both harden and - due to their hollow shape - sag with age. These new ones, being made in solid silicone, combine a better damping with a longer expected life.
Available in transparent or black, only differing in a drop of added pigment in the black ones.
Silicone mushrooms do not need the top side steel eyelets of the originals. Since the eyelets are in direct contact with the metal of the height adjusting parts above them, they were never meant to affect the mechanical impedance of the isolators. Their only function was to distribute the weight of the chassis away from the hollow innards of the mushrooms to their sides. Since the silicone ones are solid, this is no longer necessary.
On a high mass plinth, the obvious solution is to not use any mushrooms at all between the chassis and the plinth - provided the plinth has the necessary damping feet - since the entire point of such a design is to reduce the mechanical impedance between the chassis and plinth. These mushrooms are intended for the traditional lightweight cabinets, where they improve the damping of floor vibrations into the chassis, and absorb a bit of the motor vibrations.
Optional: The mushrooms are also available at the same price in a softer quality of silicone than the type normally provided. This may be an advantage e. g. for providing an extra damping of vibrations from the floor, especially for the lighter weight TD-135.
Please add a note in your order e-mail if you do want the softer mushrooms.
Price: 280 Sek / set for any color or hardness.
If the fashionistas amongst you want some other color that can also be arranged on special request.
These give a much improved damping of the motor noise compared to old original or new rubber parts.
Price: 165 Sek / 3 pcs.
Price: 330 Sek / 6 pcs.
The same grommets as in the 3-part set above, but with six grommets as needed in TD-124 mkII.
A special set of 6 grommets for a improved damping of the motor vibrations from the mkII version of the TD-124.
The topmost parts are the same as our standard ones, the bottom ones are cast in a softer quality. This combination reduces the vibrations from the motor into the top plate with an additional 3-5 dB compared to the standard kit, trading a bit of sideways stability in order to improve the damping.
They must be mounted in the correct positions, since the softer ones would be deformed by the weight of the motor if placed on top.
The scrupulous thorensist does buy these together with an additional set of 3 standard grommets, to try out the ideal balance between vibration damping, sideways stability of the motor mount, and compensation for the drag on the motor spindle from the belt on the specic machine at hand.
Price: 330 Sek.
Price: 10 Sek / 3 pcs.
Thin silicone dampers to be placed between the triangular stainless shield plate and the motor in any idler Thorens model.
Outer diameter 14 mm, inner diam. 3 mm, thickness 1.6 mm.
Replaces the rubber part in the original replacement part TPE 122. (Gummientkopplung) for the original Thorens tonearms, with a round hole inside. Make sure you order the correct damper!
A sagging counterweight end of these Thorens arms is not only a cosmetic problem. Instead, it is a sure sign of clearly audible loss of damping of the arm, losing out on transients, dynamics and timing from an arm that really can be much better than often thought.
I'd be glad to be corrected if I'm wrong, but I think the EMT versions of these arms used PU dampers too, instead of the rubber in the Thorens branded ones.
Please note that replacing the damper requires dismounting the bearing housing of the arm, and a subsequent readjustment of the vertical bearings. I'd recommend to also clean the bearings and polishing the bearing cones while you are at it. And of course, never any oil in tonearm bearings after cleaning.
Price: 280 Sek.
Square hole inside - these will not fit on the mkI version of the arm. Make sure you order the correct damper!
See description under the the mkI arms above.
Price: 280 Sek.
One of these grommets on a restored arm.
(Rubber bushings, gummilager)
We have so far come across three different models of the suspension rubber grommets in the Thorens models with conical springs.
The differences are not well documented in the service manuals, nor are they always easily identified by a quick glance into the machine. Please check yours before ordering!
We'd be very happy for any further info or references on these parts.
The first type was the one presented in TD-150, and survived at least to the mk I and most mk II versions of the TD-145 to TD-166 models.
This type was later adapted into the second type for the TD-125, keeping its overall shape but with the cone part of the bigger (topside) grommet in a 1 mm wider diameter. The TD-150 type is 20 mm at the base of the cone, the TD-125 is 21 mm. Apart from this the grommets are identical. Type I is a bit too loose for the springs in a TD-125, but type II should be OK in the TD-145 to TD-166, only giving a tighter fit against the springs.
Funnily enough, the service manuals for all these machines show the same part number for the big grommet: 6 867 002. Thorens did sell parts with different dimensions under the same part number.
The third type seems to have been introduced in the TD-126, but we are not certain in which version. TD-126 Mk I, and possibly also mk II seems to have used the first type, leaving mk III as the probable first model using the this third type.
Type 3 was also used in at least some mkII and later models of the TD-160s, e.g. in TD-160 Super, and some(?) TD-166 mkII. We really don't know which mk II and later models may have used them. The service manual for 145-160-165-166 mk1-mk2 does not mention this.
As a rule of thumb, if your deck has a Thorens carbon fibre tone arm, it may require the third type. Type 1/2 and type 3 are not interchangeable, since they have different dimensions both at the spring and the mount against the chassis.
As an aside, these parts may also fit other Thorens clones. E.g. Linn Sondek LP12 has grommets with mostly identical dimensions as our type II, but in a slightly harder synthetic rubber than the Thorens parts or the ones we make.
The Linn parts are also different with the widest part, between the spring and the top plate, being 5.5 thick mm instead of 3.5 mm in TD-125. This will affect the height and/or the adjustment of the inner chassis. They also have a smigdeon narrower angle in the cone.
We have prepared tools for making the Linn style parts, but since Linn themselves still sell perfectly good replacement parts they are not a priority.
The cone of the rubber grommet is ca 1 mm smaller in diameter than the spring, allowing the spring to compress over the grommet when the turntable is in its correct position. So, the spring and the grommet are supposed to be a seemingly loose fit. In at least TD-125 and TD-126 the rubber grommets were contact glued in place and against the springs. We do not recommend this with the silicone parts, since silicone is pretty much impossible to glue. The parts will be kept in place by the weight of the chassis. Nor do we recommend any sort of lube between the springs and the grommets, unless you are certain your lube won't affect the silicone in the long run.
According to mechanical impedance theory, a spring has most of its effect on the lowest frequencies, while a viscous damper has more of an even effect over the entire frequency range. (The function of rubbers and silicone is more of a mix of both a spring and a viscous damper).
In the original Thorens suspension design, the springs perform the most important task, by isolating the inner chassis with the platter and tonearm from the lower range of noise from the motor, floor, and air. The rubber grommets at top and bottom of the isolators provide an additional reduction of the lower frequencies, but their main function is in damping the higher frequencies, where the springs have less effect. This also includes the overtone spectrum in low frequency transient vibrations, as in floor borne step noises, and of course from the loudspeakers in the room.
So, while the springs do take care of the main rumble and environmental noise, hardened suspension grommets can cause more of audible higher frequency rumble and transient noise, as described at the motor mount page.
The suspension springs have a foam damper inside. That foam should be replaced while you ar at it. The same polyester foam as we offer for other chassis springs can be cut into a good-enough fit for the job: About foam inserts in chassis springs
(Rubber bushings, gummilager) for the springs in the suspended inner chassis in models developed from the TD-150, e.g. TD-145, TD-146, TD-147, TD-150, TD-160, TD-165, TD-166.
Replacement for the original p/n 6 867 002 and 6 800 568. (Same p/n as for the type 2 below!)
Width at the base of the cone against the spring is 20 mm, at top 17 mm.
See also the description above of the function of these parts.
Important: At least some mk II and later models with carbon fibre tone arms came with the same grommets as used in TD-126 below. Some we've come across are TD-160 Super, and some(?) TD-166 mkII. These older type 1 grommets will not fit in those models.
Please have a look inside your turntable before ordering, We'd be very happy for any info on which versions this applies to - it is not well covered in the service manuals.
Price: 280 Sek / set.
Replacement for the original p/n S-800-567 for the top part, S-800-568 for the bottom one. (Same p/n as for the type 1 above!)
Suspension rubbers for TD-125, and probably also TD-126 mk I and mk II. Width at the base of the cone against the spring is 21 mm, at top 18 mm. These parts can also be used as an alternative replacement for the type 1 grommets, giving a tighter fit against the springs.
See also the description above of the function of these parts.
Price: 280 Sek / set.
Replacement for the original p/n 6867002 for the top part, 6800568 for the bottom one.
Please check your TD-126 before ordering - as far as we know, at least TD-126 mk I and possibly mk II may instead have used the same grommets as TD-125.
These grommets have a totally different shape than the ones for the older TD-150 or TD-125 siblings above.
See also the description above of the function of these parts.
Price: 280 Sek / set
A dustcap for the top bearing housing on vintage Thorens turntables, including TD-125, TD-145, TD-160, TD-165 and TD-166, and the first generation of TD-316 and TD-318
Price: 110 Sek.
The quality of this foam is not critical - its purpose is to damp resonances in the springs themselves, and to add a slight damping of wobble in the top plate, which all toghether improves damping of external vibrations.
The original foam is now 50-60 years old, dried out, and should be replaced. You really should have a piece of foam in the springs, but you can use pretty much any plastic/rubbber foam for this as long it still is a bit springy. You won't hear any difference between a corner of your old mattress and a magical audiophile damping foam.
If you don't have anything suitable at hand, we can add a piece of the foam we use when restoring decks with this kind of springs to your motor mount order. What you'll get is a slice of gray polyester foam of the same type as often used in tool boxes or cases for photographic equipment, ca 2.5 x 2.5 x 15 cm. This can be cut down with scissors to a good enough fit.
If you need this, just add a line to your order mail, and 5 SEK to the sum of your order.
All parts we offer can be ordered directly by contact via e-mail: (We do not have any proper web shop).
Most parts can also be bought through Tradera, a Swedish auction site. Unfortunately, Tradera can be pretty hostile against buyers outside EU, and not always very helpful for those inside too. We've heard some nasty stuff about requirements for copies of passports. Also, since 2024 Tradera adds a "buyer protection fee" to all non-swedish orders, which we of course do not. On the other hand, Tradera may offer cheaper shipping to some EU countries than we are able to negotiate.
We ship worldwide, and accept payment through PayPal or bank transfer. Customers in Sweden can also pay by Swish or Plusgiro.
Shipping fees are of course dependent on the weight of the parts, and on the receiving country.
Typically, the fee for sets of motor mounts within EU, USA, Australia, and many other regions is 44 SEK for a plain letter. Within Sweden, 22 SEK.
Trackable shipping to most countries outside EU is 120 SEK. Within EU 149 SEK (Higher than outside EU due to VAT). Within Sweden, 59 SEK.
Shipping to other regions may be higher. Likewise for heavier parts, such as sets of Sonab feet or Braun dampers.
Since the parts are hand made in very small batches, we don't have the margins to offer any notable discounts for larger orders, or to resellers. The best we can do is to not increase the postage fee for orders with multiple sets of parts, and for business buyers within EU we can arrange the usual VAT deduction. If this applies to your order, please add the correct name and the VAT identification number of your business to the e-mail with your request.
Normally all parts listed are in stock. Any parts that may have been recently sold out can be made in one day or two.
New isolators for the shield plate in all models in the TD-124 - TD-135 family
Thorens TD-124 mkI, TD-135 et al silicone rubber motor mounts
Thorens TD-124 mkII silicone rubber motor mounts
Special set of Thorens TD-124 mkII silicone rubber motor mounts
Thorens TD-124 - TD-135 silicone dampers for the motor shield
Decoupler bushings for Thorens td-124 mkI and td-135 mkI / BTD 12s arms
Decoupler bushings for Thorens td-124 mkII and td-135 mkII, TD-125 mkI / and P-14, TP-25 arms
Thorens TD-145 - TD-166 Silicone suspension grommets
Thorens TD-125 Silicone suspension grommets